Advocate Puppies & Small Dogs up to 4kg

Advocate Puppies & Small Dogs up to 4kg

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Advocate Green for puppies and small dogs weighing up to 4kg is an easy to use, monthly spot-on treatment that protects your dog from fleas, heartworm, major intestinal worms and ear mites.

  • Protects against heartworm when used monthly
  • Kills fleas and prevents re-infestation for a month
  • Treats and controls most major intestinal worms, including hookworm, roundworm and whipworm
  • Treats and controls ear mites and sarcoptic mange

Please note that Advocate does not control tapeworms. For treatment of tapeworms you can use a worming specific treatment, such as Milbemax.

Advocate is Fast Acting

As well as killing adult fleas, Advocate kills flea eggs and larvae to break the flea life cycle and protect your dog from flea re-infestation for a whole month. It provides fast relief, stopping fleas from biting within 3 to 5 minutes of application and kills the adult fleas and larvae within 20 minutes.